Friday, February 1, 2008

One Statement/Response

So, I recently had a friend ask me what I meant when I described myself as an "open-minded Christian". He brought up some of the hot-button issues that usually divide people - abortion, homosexuality, etc. - plus some other typical denominational issues - female church leadership, baptism, etc. - in a sincere request to hear my opinions.

Dangit. Somebody's trying to pin me down.

Well, I'm not about to start laying out exactly what I think about everything, precisely because there is no "exact" for me, especially in regards to those hot-button issues. But there is one thing I know/believe: being gay and being a Christian are not mutually exclusive.

Not only do I personally know gay (and happy!) Christians, I have had the good fortune to run across some extremely talented and dedicated ones online. This young man has my deepest respect - not only from an artist's perspective, but from one Christian struggling to walk in obedience to another.

Here are some of my favorite works of his:
Lucky Late Bloomer (poetry)
but who sees? (photography)
unworthy, unfaithful, but not unaware (a prayer) (poetry - six words only)
Man to Messiah (a duet) (poetry)
winterwarmth (photography)
Local Heroes (photography)

Gee, sounds like a guy with an honest, sincere faith...