OK, so we have this new girl in the office, and her name's Candy. Candy is great, because she's the Administrative Support person for some of the bigwigs and our sales team, which takes a lot of "not-even-remotely-connected-to-marketing" type of work off of me. Candy is also great because she supplies us with... you guessed it!... candy. Namely, chocolate. And not cheap stuff either. Nestled all red and blue in her jar is a pleasing pile of solid Dove chocolates. Not Godiva, but better than M&M's and Hershey's.
Now, a couple of weeks ago, Michael (my marketing cohort, since Adam has his home office in St. Louis now) was all a-twitter. He prefers the red-wrapped Doves, as they are the dark kind (very fitting, if you know Michael), and he had received some interesting messages in the wrappers. Meanwhile, I'm a milk-chocolate kind of gal (yes, I'm vanilla to the core) and my messages were rather banal sayings, such as "It's definitely a bubble-bath day," and "Keep the promises you make to yourself." Michael lorded it over me that the dark chocolate had the better messages, like "Be mischievous. It feels good," and "You're allowed to do nothing." (As if the marketing department needs permission!)
Well, I had to break Michael's heart. Yesterday, I got a message he'd gotten before, the title of this blog post. Then, in a chocoholic binge, I snuck another blue one. Same message. That was it for the day. But, as an after-lunch treat, I had another one today. Now, for the third time in a row in two days I've been told that "Naughty can be nice."
Now, I'm not paranoid or anything, but with all the grubby little fingers getting into Candy's candy jar, what are the odds that I'd be the one person to grab three milk chocolates that have identical sayings? Hmmm? Is this some kind of message? Am I being given permission to misbehave?
To make matters worse, I switched up by eating milk chocolate and got a dark chocolate message: "Be mischievous. It feels good."
The blue team is catching up.
That's hilarious! I think it's definitely a sign. :)
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