For those of you who haven't made it to visit Lou and I, I'm posting some pictures my mom took last time she visited me. I wanted to do this on the anniversary of the fire, but forgot to email me mum in time. So, welcome to my home!

First stop, the living room.

We really should clean up the front of the fridge. If there weren't so many papers, you'd see the smiley "face" the fridge makes - even it is happy to be here!
A peek out the kitchen door to the deck and the back yard! (Sarah, aren't you glad you live in Texas? No cruddy snow to shovel!)

Thanks for stopping by! And if you can make it for real, all the better!
Cute. Can't wait until I get the chance to actually come to Toledo to visit you for real!!!
Love ya!!!
Ok how weird is it that your bedroom is the same color as mine, and I too have a vase of hydrangeas by my bed. Weirdo.
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